Car2Go Company Settlement

All individuals residing in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec who purchased car-sharing services from Car2go Canada Ltd. for personal, family or household purposes and paid a Driver Protection Fee between June 1, 2015 and February 29, 2020 (“Class Members”).

The parties have reached a settlement of the Action, without an admission of liability on the part of the Defendants which has been approved by the Supreme Court of British Columbia (“Settlement” or “Settlement Agreement”).

Opt-Out Procedure

If you do not want to participate in the Action, you must complete and send an Opt-Out Form by November 24, 2021 (the “Opt-Out Deadline”) to the Class Counsel at the addresses above.

If you opt-out by the Opt-Out Deadline, you may be able to bring your own lawsuit against the Defendants, but you will not be entitled to participate in the Settlement.

Opt-Out Forms are available here or by contacting Class Counsel at the contact information provided above. All Class Members will be bound by the terms of the Settlement, unless they opt-out of the Class Action.

Pursuant to the Court approved Settlement Agreement, the time to register your email address in order to participate in the settlement has now lapsed. No further registrations are being accepted. 

Questions can be forwarded to or

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why am I included in this class action?

For class actions that commence in British Columbia, individuals that fall within the described class are automatically included in the class action.

However, those that do not wish to participate may opt-out.

The link to the opt-out form can be found on MNP’s website for this class action settlement.

  1. Am I eligible for payment?

Receipt of the email does not mean you will receive payment.

All the car2go users that fall within the described class (i.e., those that paid a Driver Protection Fee [DPFs] during the applicable class period) would have received an email from MNP.

However, to ensure that the distribution of funds will be economical (i.e., the cost of distribution will not exceed the amount being distributed), the Court has approved a minimum threshold of $10. Hence, only those that have paid $10 in DPFs or more during the applicable class period will be entitled to a distribution.

Those that are entitled to receive distribution will receive a further email in a month to inform them on the claims procedure.

  1. How much will I receive?

The amount that eligible claimants will receive will depend on how many people submit a claim. Any distribution will also not exceed the total amount of DPFs that you paid during the applicable class period.

  1. What do I need to do to make a claim?

You will receive further claims information in about a month.

We anticipate that the claims procedure and distribution will finish in the first half of 2022.

All distributions will be by way of Interac e-transfer.

  1. What if I no longer have access to the email address that I used to register for Car2Go?

Unfortunately, you will not be entitled to participate unless you have access to that email address.

To minimize the risk of ineligible claims, the Court approved a distribution protocol that requires distributions and claims to originate from the email address that Car2Go had on file. This is necessary to protect the interest of class members overall.

  1. The notices will be sent by the Claims Administrator to Class Members to the email address on file with the Defendants.
  1. After the Opt-Out date, Eligible Class members will receive the Notice of Claims Process and Distribution of the Settlement Amount. Only Eligible Class members will receive the Notice of Claims Process and Distribution of the Settlement Amount.
  1. Upon receipt of the Notice of Claims Process and Distribution of the Settlement Amount, any eligible Class member who wishes to make a claim must follow the prompts in the Notice of Claims Process and Distribution of the Settlement Amount to make a claim, substantially as follows:
  • Click on the “Make A Claim” link in the Notice of Claims Process and Distribution of the Settlement Amount;
  • Confirm the email address of the claimant.