Blue background with white transparent icons that represent time and work processes.

Save costs with ease


Ease is a cloud-based bookkeeping and accounting solution that’s always on, always accurate and always accessible.

Headshot of Danny Wald with the MNP ease and Intuit Quickbooks logos beside him.

Save costs with ease

Danny Wald, Montreal, QC

Leader, Québec, Cloud Accounting Services


An automobile repair company was losing too much time tracking expenses and billing manually. But that wasn’t the only challenge they were facing — their in-house accountant was planning to retire in several years and wanted to reduce her hours. They needed to automate their processes to save time and ensure everything continued to run smoothly thereafter.


We met with the client to gain a full understanding of their automation needs. We then implemented QuickBooks Online to save time on invoicing and efficiently track payments. We also leveraged Wagepoint to automate payments, and Dext to save time on locating invoices. 


Leveraging ease allowed our client’s accountant to work fewer hours in preparation for retirement. By automating their accounting processes, our client was also able to hire an administrative assistant instead of a replacement accountant — enabling them to save money and seamlessly manage their financials.

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Blue background with white transparent icons that represent time and work processes.

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