CPA Canada (The Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada) has updated the standards regarding compiled financial information. The new accounting standard is called Canadian Standard Related Services (CSRS) 4200 – Compilation Engagements.
The updated rules more clearly define what work should be performed by a chartered professional accountant (CPA) when engaged to perform a compilation engagement on financial information.
Why this was done
It has been more than 30 years since CPA Canada made a change to this standard, which is intended to improve the usefulness of compiled financial information for companies and any third-party users (e.g. financial lenders, investors). The new standard also more clearly defines what work should be performed by a CPA professional and what responsibilities fall to a company’s management team.

How will CSRS 4200 impact my compilation engagement?
The purpose of this alert is to highlight key requirements in the new Canadian Standard on Related Services (CSRS) 4200 Compilation Engagements which will be replacing Section 9200 Compilation Engagements.
Contact an advisor
If you would like to connect with your MNP Advisor to discuss the impact of the new standard on your compilation report and the options available to you, please fill out the following form: