Mike Canfield, CPA, CA

Mike Canfield , CPA, CA
- Direct: 807-797-1090
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: 807-274-5142
Mike is a member of MNP’s Assurance and Accounting Services team in Fort Frances. Mike brings close to two decades of experience in accounting, specializing in assurance and tax review, to his role. He is dedicated to helping his clients reach their business goals and find new levels of success.
Mike primarily works with municipalities, Indigenous organizations, and owner-managed businesses, as well as with not-for-profit and rate-regulated entities.
Mike earned an Honours Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) in accounting and finance from the University of Manitoba in 2005. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 2008.
Mike is the treasurer of the Kitchen Creek Golf Course board. He is heavily involved in the local athletic community, as a junior squash coach and hockey coach and trainer.