Jesse Moore, CPA, CA, BBA

Jesse Moore , CPA, CA, BBA
- Direct: 416-369-6056
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: 833-777-0455
Jesse is a member of MNP's Tax Services team in Kincardine. With more than a decade of professional experience, Jesse helps his clients achieve their business and personal goals.
Jesse provides income tax services to individuals, corporations and trusts / estates. He delivers both tax planning and tax compliance services to businesses in a wide range of industries, including agriculture, retail, professionals, and service. He also assists clients with personal, corporate, and estate tax compliance and planning, business purchases and sales, reorganizations, succession, and disputes with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Jesse earned an Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Co-op option from Wilfred Laurier University in 2010. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant, CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) and has completed CPA Canada’s In-Depth Tax Course. He is a member of the Canadian Tax Foundation.
Jesse is a presenter at seminars on estate and retirement planning, tax planning for owner-managed businesses (particularly in agriculture), as well as on recent and developing trends in income tax law. Jesse is also a co-author of Thomson Reuters’ Taxation of Farmers and Fishers publication.