Eben Louw, CPA, CA, MPhil

Eben Louw , CPA, CA, MPhil
- Direct: 604-870-7413
- Toll-Free: 1-877-853-9471
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: 604-850-3672
Eben Louw, CPA, CA, is a Partner in MNP’s Abbotsford office. Drawing on more than a decade of experience, Eben delivers assurance and taxation services to not-for-profit organizations and private corporations, including businesses in the manufacturing and retail sector and those with cross-border activities, helping them work towards their desired future goals in the midst of complex situations.
Eben’s services include strategic foresight consulting and assisting with long-range planning, medium-term operational planning and monitoring. He helps with performance measurement and goal setting, as well as with succession planning through MNP’s proprietary ExitSMART program.
Depending on his clients’ specific needs, Eben delivers programs and workshops in a variety of areas, including visioning clarity, assisting with CFO-level needs, profit driver analysis of historic financial statements, goal setting with forward-looking financial statements, and helping controllers understand their contribution and roles. His clients benefit from his experience with the balanced scorecard approach and his ability to help them make the preferred future a reality, identify solutions for improving performance and make the results of planning processes sustainable.
Eben was designated a Chartered Accountant (CA) in Canada in 2003 and in South Africa in 2002. He has Bachelor degrees in Accounting (Hons.), Commerce (Hons.) and Military Science and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Strategic Foresight. In a volunteer capacity, Eben is an elder with his local church and volunteers for the Abbotsford Food Bank.