David Kubinec, HB Comm. CPA, CA, CFP, CBV

David Kubinec , HB Comm. CPA, CA, CFP, CBV
- Direct: 807-625-4404
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: 807-623-8460
As a Partner in MNP’s Thunder Bay-Barton office, David leverages his more than 35 years of professional experience to provide auditing, accounting and advisory services to public, private, and not-for-profit organizations.
David’s industry expertise and in-depth knowledge of various accounting standards (IFRS, PSAB, ASNPO, ASPE, ASPP) enable him to deliver quality and standards reviews across Canada for other MNP offices in the municipal, not-for-profit, and rate-regulated industries.
David has provided expert testimony in the Ontario Superior Court relating to accounting, audit, and valuation expertise, as well as for an arbitration case in the province of Quebec that involved accounting, working capital, impairment, and valuation issues.
David received his Chartered Professional Accountant designation in 2013 and Chartered Accountant designation in 1992, his CBV (Ontario) in 2010, and his CFP (Ontario) in 1998. He graduated with his Bachelor of Commerce, Honours from McMaster University in 1989.