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Misconceptions about fraud risk pose significant threats to Quebec businesses

Misconceptions about fraud risk pose significant threats to Quebec businesses

25 Minute Read

MNP surveyed 256 business owners and senior executives in Quebec to better understand their current perceptions of fraud risk and how those perceptions have evolved since 2021 — and discovered some surprising findings.

Partner, Eastern Canada Leader (Quebec, NCR and Atlantic Canada), Forensics, Investigations and Disputes

Financial fraud poses many risks to your business — including reputational damage, operational disruptions, and financial losses. However, many business owners and senior executives in Quebec continue to underestimate the risk of financial fraud and are largely unprepared to handle instances of fraud within their organization.

MNP’s Forensics and Litigation Support Services conducted a survey in 2021 to measure the perceptions of corporate fraud risks among small- and medium-sized businesses in Quebec. This survey revealed significant gaps in awareness, preparedness, and understanding.

MNP conducted another survey three years later to reassess these perceptions and determine whether views on corporate fraud risks have shifted in recent years. The survey included owners and senior executives of Quebec businesses and aimed to gain a better understanding of fraud risk perceptions and compare how answers changed from the previous survey.

Does your business have the right measures and mindset in place to detect and respond to fraud? These results may surprise you.

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