Luke Biles, CPA, CA

Luke Biles

Luke Biles , CPA, CA

Partner, Private Enterprise

Luke is a Partner with MNP’s Private Enterprise team in Victoria. Luke delivers accounting, tax, financial planning, and business management services to clients in the technology, cannabis, construction, and food and beverage industries.

Luke draws on his experience as financial controller of a publicly traded start-up to understand his clients’ businesses at every stage, helping them streamline their processes, meet their goals, and plan for the future. Adding value beyond the annual tax filing is what drives his approach to client service.

Relationship building is a priority for Luke. Working closely with his clients, Luke helps them understand their finances, the tax implications of their decisions, and is always looking to connect people who can help each other. Luke enjoys bringing people together by organizing industry mixers, facilitating informative panels, and hosting business events across Vancouver Island and B.C.

Luke earned a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 2013. Luke serves on the board of the Greater Victoria Housing Society.

Get to know Luke in this Q&A

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